Saturday, January 2, 2010

yeah 2010!

Hi Friends,
Well, here we are in 2010. The kids have all gone home and Cas and her family have come back home after being in Florida for a week. Lucky and I are enjoying some leisure time and I realize I have been too busy the last few months and have to give myself permission to have a day with nothing to do.

I bought a net book computer to take to Bonaire and am trying to figure out how to download books on it from the library. I just successfully downloaded one to my MP3 player with a lot of help from Cassie. How do these young kids figure all that out? These books are free as audio books so it is a better deal than Kindle. Books are important in Bonaire as we do spend time reading in the afternoons and evenings.

Three weeks from today we will be on our way - the "we" being Ed and Jayne and Lucky and me. I should start making lists now.

Hope you all had a good New Year and that God blesses you in the year to come.

Take care,
Mary Anne

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maryanne
    Same for us in Sweden,we will arrive on the Island 29.1, we tried to get in contact with you,but is was complete impossible.
    We see forward to meet all of you again !!!

    Peter and Sigrid
